Friday, February 26, 2021

Blurb Reveal - The Final Dawn

The countdown is on to release day for The Final Dawn. This is the one my long-time readers have been waiting for: Rian and Ella's book!

They will fight until the last star burns out...

Rian Sherron is a lot of things. Captain of the spaceship Imojenna. Ex-war hero. Ex-assassin. For years, he's traveled from one end of the galaxy to the other, both trying to escape his demons and get revenge on the shape-shifting aliens responsible for his slow demise into hell.

That all changed the day Rian rescued an Arynian priestess from slave traders. Ella Kinton is everything Rian both fears and admires. Ella is everything he never let himself admit he wanted. Together, they must face a harrowing choice—come together and defeat Reidar, or fall apart, leaving the universe in total chaos.


CyanJ19 said...

Hey Jess I write this having just finished final dawn and I can honestly say that I am heartbroken that this is the last one...

I picked up this series 3 weeks ago, I have been in a very dark place and your books brought light and warmth at a time when I needed it the most...

Thank you so much for bringing these amazing characters to life, I hope we see them again!! I have so many questions like what happened to the hive mind human they rescued? Could he potentially be the cause of the underlying anxiety Rian and Ella still feel?

I hope someday you tell us more...

MC.Princess said...

Mario >>>> You
L + Ratio
You fell off
I'm glad you have no money
Go live in your mums house pussy

MC.Princess said...

I'm glad you had an affair you deserve everything coming your way broke bitch. LMAO
Get a real job cunt.
No one loves you.
I hope your extended family gets into a fatal bus crash and all die.
You are a disappointment.
Your children aren't getting a good education anymore because you where a selfish prick.
Maybe if you thought about others then you would actually be doing well in life.
No wonder people like Mario more then you, glad he doesn't have to have custody of your stupid children so he doesn't have to be reminded of your ugly ass. Fuck you. Kill, your, self.

CyanJ19 said...

Wtf is wrong with you people!!
Who are you to speak to someone like this?!

Her personal life has absolutely nothing to do
With you, how dare you speak I'll or wish hurt on
Another person's family!!

You are 10x worse than anything she did!
She never killed or physically hurt anyone!

I suggest you both seek extensive therapy and take a hard look at yourselves in the mirror...

You write comments as anonymous like cowards!!

MC.Princess said...

I can speak to anyone how I want, you haven't been on the internet long enough if you don't realize that.
I do not care, its more funny to insult someone with their personal problems
I am not 10x worse because I do not leave my children to have shit schooling because they don't wanna look out for them.
People can do worse then hurting or killing someone dumbass.
Therapy isn't just for people who make hate comments
I don't wanna make a fucking account bitch.
Hope you get into a bus crash with your whole extended family.

GH said...




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